TOOL Titel of the document Titel of the document Parameterizations of interior properties of rocky planets Investigation of planets with Earth-like compositions but variable iron content Toolkit described in Noack and Lasbleis, A&A, 2020 (LINK). This online toolkit calculates the main interior properties of mantle and core for rocky planets of masses between 0.8 and 2 Earth masses. The toolkit is based on a parameterization developed in our paper. To derive the parameterization, several interior structure models were calculated with the code CHIC. All visualization codes, parameterization routines and examples are available via GITLAB. Internal structures of planets are calculated to determine pressure, temperature and other material properties profiles. The interior structure profiles used in the parameterization routines can be downloaded as well (see GITLAB repository on how to read in the profiles).,,, The notation relates to the cold (No_DTcmb) vs. hot (With_DTcmb) temperature profile, as well as different iron content versions: Ini_No_DTcmb/Ini_With_DTcmb: 15,25,35,45,55,65,75 wt-% of iron Ini_No_DTcmb_moreFeCases/Ini_With_DTcmb_moreFeCases: 20,30,40,50,60,70,80 wt-% of iron Each folder also contains the respective data_IS.res file. Our python visualization routines read the files stored in these four subfolders to produce the figures in Noack and Lasbleis, A&A, 2020. Create your own parameters table Based on the parameterizations developed in Noack and Lasbleis, A&A, 2020, this online tool creates a table with all relevant interior parameters (such as planet radius, average mantle or core density, Gruneisen parameters, etc.) for masses in a given mass range as defined by the user for a given iron mass fraction and mantle iron-to-magnesium ratio. The tool can employ two different scenarios for the temperature profile in the core. The "hot" endmember scenario assumes a super-heated core by setting the core surface temperature to the mantle liquidus temperature at that depth. The "cold" endmember scenario considers a core temperature equal to the bottom, adiabatic mantle temperature. Both profiles are described in detail in the paper. Minimum planet mass in Earth masses [0.8 or higher] Maximum planet mass in Earth masses [2.0 or lower] Mass step size [e.g. 0.1] Iron mass fraction of the planet [0.15-0.8] Mantle iron-to-magnesium ratio [0-0.15] Select temperature profile Hot scenario Cold scenario calculate